TSM 352  Land and Water Management Systems


Alternative Format

This material can be made available in alternative format as a disability accommodation. Contact the instructor for further information.



Richard Cooke; Office: 332J AESB;  Office Phone: 217-333-0944 ; Cell Phone: 217-778-6422   

Email: rcooke@illinois.edu   

WWW: http://abe.illinois.edu/faculty/R_Cooke



Tim Rendall; Office: 107 AESB; Cell Phone: 630-835-8804

Email: rendall1@illinois.edu   



Scheduled Time Allocation

Lectures  - 30 sessions

Laboratory - 14 sessions




A student who successfully completes this course will be able to:


Understand the principles of planning, implementing and utilizing land and water practices for Illinois land uses, especially agriculture.


Develop a plan for mitigating land and water quality degradation for a farm or watershed.


Calculate and/or measure soil and water flow and transport parameters


Evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of land and water management practices


Develop and analyze digital land and water resources maps.




Completion of Quantitative Reasoning requirement.




 Course assessment

The final grade will be based on a combination of scores as follows:

Laboratory Reports:

60 pts

In-class PowerPoint Presentation

10 pts

Homework Exercises

0-30 pts

Research/Design Project  

0-30 pts

Optional final exam

5 pts


Final grades are assigned based on a fixed scale:




























< 59.4




There will be opportunities to earn a few 'extra credit' points over the course of the semester. 


Homework policies

There will be a total of 9 to 12 homework assignments during the semester. The grade of the worst homework assignment will be dropped. There may be instances where in-class assignments may be used as homework substitutes.

Homework assignments are due by midnight of the due date. Late work will not be accepted. Students are allowed to drop their worse two homework scores.  Corrected assignments will be returned within 7 days of the date they were due. Students will be awarded an addition 10% of their earned grade for each 24 hours period delay beyond this 7 day limit.


laboratory report policies


There will be 14 laboratory exercises during the semester, with the grade being based on the best 12.  Lab reports are due by midnight of the due date. Late work will not be accepted. Corrected assignments will be returned within 7 days of the date they were due. Students will be awarded an addition 10% of their earned grade for each 24 hours period delay beyond this 7 day limit.


Students are encouraged to work together on homework and laboratory exercises, but each person should submit an individual report.


PROJECT policies

Students can choose to do a research or a design project as a substitute for all or a portion of the laboratory/homework exercises. Prior approval is required for any such substitution.

Exam policies

An optional, comprehensive exam will be offered during the final exam period.


Students are required to work in pairs to develop a 20 minute PowerPoint presentation covering some aspect of the course. There will be a maximum of one presentation in any class period.  Presentation slots will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.


 Resource materials



Jarrett A.R. 1995. Water management. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company,  Dubuque, Iowa.

Course Web Site :   http://abe-research.illinois.edu/courses/tsm352/index.html




Academic Integrity:  Academic misconduct (plagiarism, cheating, or other forms of misconduct as defined by the university) will not be tolerated in this course.  Academic Misconduct is defined as any activity which tends to compromise the academic integrity of the institution or subvert the educational process.  According to Article 1 of the Student Rights and Responsibilities - Part 4 (Academic Integrity and Procedure):  No student shall use or attempt to use in any academic exercise materials, information, study aids, or electronic data that the student knows or should know is unauthorized.  This includes copying, direct quotation without citation, paraphrasing without citation, or providing false or misleading information for the purpose of gaining an academic advantage.  Please see Academic Integrity Infractions at:  http://studentcode.illinois.edu/article1_part4_1-402.html for a complete outline.


Students with Disabilities:

Students with disabilities who have not registered for services with the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services and who wish to request accommodations should contact the coordinator for Student Services with the Division at 333-4603 (voice or TTY). Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate students with disabilities in this course. Inform Dr. Jin as soon as possible if you require accommodations.



Any student who has suppressed their directory information pursuant to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) must self-identify to the instructor to protect the privacy of their attendance in this course.